Israel Guerrero-Arguero

Israel Guerrero-Arguero

Postdoctoral Scientist
Israel Guerrero

Israel Guerrero-Arguero

Postdoctoral Scientist

Dr. Guerrero-Arguero is a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Carrion Lab. He currently supports MCCR studies that include vaccine and therapy development for high-consequence pathogens. Alphaviruses immune evasion and pathogenesis are among his main research interests. He also has experience with respiratory pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, Influenza virus, and Tuberculosis. 

Dr. Guerrero-Arguero received his Ph.D. from the Microbiology and Molecular Biology department at Brigham Young University, where he studied how Chikungunya virus evades the human immune system. Upon graduating, he relocated to San Antonio to start his postdoctoral training at Texas Biomed. He has seven years of in vitro and in vivo BSL3 experience and started his BSL4 training under Dr. Carrion's group.