Michal Gazi, Ph.D.

Staff Scientist I
Michal Gazi

Michal Gazi, Ph.D.

Staff Scientist I

Research Focus

Dr. Gazi has extensive training in molecular biology and genetics, with specific experience in vaccine development and antibody production. Throughout his career, Dr. Gazi always gravitated toward biomedical field as he was involved in development of vaccine against Rickettsial infections during his appointment at University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Then Dr. Gazi spent two and half years working for a biotechnological company producing biosimilars and novel therapeutic antibodies.

In 2016, Dr. Gazi accepted his current position at Texas Biomed where he is focused on characterization of antibody and cytokine immune responses to filovirus infection and vaccination as well as participating in Ebola vaccine contract studies performed in BSL4 laboratory.