Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of death due to a single infectious agent. Upon infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) is deposited in the alveoli and encounters the lung mucosa or alveolar lining fluid (ALF). We previously showed that, as we age, ALF presents a higher degree of oxidation and inflammatory mediators, which favors M.tb replication in human macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells (ATs). Here, we define the transcriptional profile of M.tb when exposed to healthy ALF from adult (A-ALF) or elderly (E-ALF) humans before and during infection of ATs. Prior to infection, M.tb exposure to E-ALF upregulated genes essential for bacterial host adaptation directly involved in M.tb pathogenesis. During infection of ATs, E-ALF exposed M.tb further upregulated genes involved in its ability to escape into the AT cytosol bypassing critical host defense mechanisms, as well as genes associated with defense against oxidative stress. These findings demonstrate how alterations in human ALF during the aging process can impact the metabolic status of M.tb, potentially enabling a greater adaptation and survival within host cells. Importantly, we present the first transcriptomic analysis on the impact of the elderly lung mucosa on M.tb pathogenesis during intracellular replication in ATs.IMPORTANCETuberculosis is one of the leading causes of death due to a single infectious agent. Upon infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) is deposited in the alveoli and comes in contact with the alveolar lining fluid (ALF). We previously showed that elderly ALF favors M.tb replication in human macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells (ATs). Here we define the transcriptional profile of when exposed to healthy ALF from adult (A-ALF) or elderly (E-ALF) humans before and during infection of ATs. Prior to infection, exposure to E-ALF upregulates genes essential for bacterial host adaptation and pathogenesis. During infection of ATs, E-ALF further upregulates M.tb genes involved in its ability to escape into the AT cytosol, as well as genes for defense against oxidative stress. These findings demonstrate how alterations in human ALF during the aging process can impact the metabolic status of M.tb, potentially enabling a greater adaptation and survival within host cells.
Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), is a major global health concern, particularly affecting those with weakened immune systems, including the elderly. CD4+ T cell response is crucial for immunity against M.tb, but chronic infections and aging can lead to T cell exhaustion and senescence, worsening TB disease. Mitochondrial dysfunction, prevalent in aging and chronic diseases, disrupts cellular metabolism, increases oxidative stress, and impairs T-cell functions. This study investigates the effect of mitochondrial transplantation (mito-transfer) on CD4+ T cell differentiation and function in aged mouse models and human CD4+ T cells from elderly individuals. Mito-transfer in naïve CD4+ T cells is found to promote protective effector and memory T cell generation during M.tb infection in mice. Additionally, it improves elderly human T cell function by increasing mitochondrial mass and altering cytokine production, thereby reducing markers of exhaustion and senescence. These findings suggest mito-transfer as a novel approach to enhance aged CD4+ T cell functionality, potentially benefiting immune responses in the elderly and chronic TB patients. This has broader implications for diseases where mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to T-cell exhaustion and senescence.
With devastating health and socioeconomic impact worldwide, much work is left to understand the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), with emphasis in the severely affected elderly population. Here, we present a proteomics study of lung tissue obtained from aged vs. young rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and olive baboons (Papio Anubis) infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Using age as a variable, we identified common proteomic profiles in the lungs of aged infected non-human primates (NHPs), including key regulators of immune function, as well as cell and tissue remodeling, and discuss the potential clinical relevance of such parameters. Further, we identified key differences in proteomic profiles between both NHP species, and compared those to what is known about SARS-CoV-2 in humans. Finally, we explored the translatability of these animal models in the context of aging and the human presentation of the COVID-19.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is still an ongoing global health crisis. Clinical data indicate that the case fatality rate (CFR) is age dependent, with a higher CFR percentage in the elderly population. We compared the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in young and aged K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. We evaluated morbidity, mortality, viral titers, immune responses, and histopathology in SARS-CoV-2-infected young and old K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. Within the limitation of having a low number of mice per group, our results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 infection resulted in slightly higher morbidity, mortality, and viral replication in the lungs of old mice, which was associated with an impaired IgM response and altered cytokine and chemokine profiles. Results of this study increase our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and immuno-pathogenesis in the elderly population.
The elderly population is highly susceptible to developing respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, a devastating disease caused by the airborne pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) that kills one person every 18 seconds. Once M.tb reaches the alveolar space, it contacts alveolar lining fluid (ALF), which dictates host-cell interactions. We previously determined that age-associated dysfunction of soluble innate components in human ALF leads to accelerated M.tb growth within human alveolar macrophages. Here we determined the impact of human ALF on M.tb infection of alveolar epithelial type cells (ATs), another critical lung cellular determinant of infection. We observed that elderly ALF (E-ALF)-exposed M.tb had significantly increased intracellular growth with rapid replication in ATs compared to adult ALF (A-ALF)-exposed bacteria, as well as a dampened inflammatory response. A potential mechanism underlying this accelerated growth in ATs was our observation of increased bacterial translocation into the cytosol, a compartment that favors bacterial replication. These findings in the context of our previous studies highlight how the oxidative and dysfunctional status of the elderly lung mucosa determines susceptibility to M.tb infection, including dampening immune responses and favoring bacterial replication within alveolar resident cell populations, including ATs, the most abundant resident cell type within the alveoli.
Mitochondrial dysfunction alters cellular metabolism, increases tissue oxidative stress, and may be principal to the dysregulated signaling and function of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the elderly. In this proof of principle study, it is investigated whether the transfer of functional mitochondria into CD4+ T cells that are isolated from old mice (aged CD4+ T cells), can abrogate aging-associated mitochondrial dysfunction, and improve the aged CD4+ T cell functionality. The results show that the delivery of exogenous mitochondria to aged non-activated CD4+ T cells led to significant mitochondrial proteome alterations highlighted by improved aerobic metabolism and decreased cellular mitoROS. Additionally, mito-transferred aged CD4+ T cells showed improvements in activation-induced TCR-signaling kinetics displaying markers of activation (CD25), increased IL-2 production, enhanced proliferation ex vivo. Importantly, immune deficient mouse models (RAG-KO) showed that adoptive transfer of mito-transferred naive aged CD4+ T cells, protected recipient mice from influenza A and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections. These findings support mitochondria as targets of therapeutic intervention in aging.
Mechanisms to shorten the duration of tuberculosis (TB) treatment include new drug formulations or schedules and the development of host-directed therapies (HDTs) that better enable the host immune system to eliminate Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Previous studies have shown that pyrazinamide, a first-line antibiotic, can also modulate immune function, making it an attractive target for combinatorial HDT/antibiotic therapy, with the goal to accelerate clearance of M. tuberculosis. In this study, we assessed the value of anti-IL-10R1 as an HDT along with pyrazinamide and show that short-term anti-IL-10R1 blockade during pyrazinamide treatment enhanced the antimycobacterial efficacy of pyrazinamide, resulting in faster clearance of M. tuberculosis in mice. Furthermore, 45 d of pyrazinamide treatment in a functionally IL-10-deficient environment resulted in sterilizing clearance of M. tuberculosis. Our data suggest that short-term IL-10 blockade with standard TB drugs has the potential to improve clinical outcome by reducing the treatment duration.
Inflammation plays a significant role in lung infection including that caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), where both adaptive and innate lymphocytes can affect infection control. How inflammation affects infection is understood in a broad sense, including inflammaging (chronic inflammation) seen in the elderly, but the explicit role that inflammation can play in regulation of lymphocyte function is not known. To fill this knowledge gap, we used an acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment in young mice and studied lymphocyte responses, focusing on CD8 T cell subsets. LPS treatment decreased the total numbers of T cells in the lungs of LPS mice, while also increasing the number of activated T cells. We demonstrate that lung CD8 T cells from LPS mice became capable of an antigen independent innate-like IFN-γ secretion, dependent on IL-12p70 stimulation, paralleling innate-like IFN-γ secretion of lung CD8 T cells from old mice. Overall, this study provides information on how acute inflammation can affect lymphocytes, particularly CD8 T cells, which could potentially affect immune control of various disease states.
Tuberculosis (TB) infection, caused by the airborne pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), resulted in almost 1.4 million deaths in 2019, and the number of deaths is predicted to increase by 20% over the next 5 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon reaching the alveolar space, M.tb comes into close contact with the lung mucosa before and after its encounter with host alveolar compartment cells. Our previous studies show that homeostatic, innate soluble components of the alveolar lining fluid (ALF) can quickly alter the cell envelope surface of M.tb upon contact, defining subsequent M.tb-host cell interactions and infection outcomes in vitro and in vivo. We also demonstrated that ALF from 60+ year old elders (E-ALF) vs. healthy 18- to 45-year-old adults (A-ALF) is dysfunctional, with loss of homeostatic capacity and impaired innate soluble responses linked to high local oxidative stress. In this study, a targeted transcriptional assay shows that M.tb exposure to human ALF alters the expression of its cell envelope genes. Specifically, our results indicate that A-ALF-exposed M.tb upregulates cell envelope genes associated with lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid metabolism, as well as genes associated with redox homeostasis and transcriptional regulators. Conversely, M.tb exposure to E-ALF shows a lesser transcriptional response, with most of the M.tb genes unchanged or downregulated. Overall, this study indicates that M.tb responds and adapts to the lung alveolar environment upon contact, and that the host ALF status, determined by factors such as age, might play an important role in determining infection outcome.
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death due to its being an infectious disease, caused by the airborne pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). Approximately one-fourth of the world's population is infected with latent M.tb, and TB is considered a global threat killing over 4000 people every day. The risk of TB susceptibility and mortality is significantly increased in individuals aged 65 and older, confirming that the elderly represent one of the largest reservoirs for M.tb infection. The elderly population faces many challenges that increase their risk of developing respiratory diseases, including TB. The challenges the elderly face in this regard include the following: decreased lung function, immuno-senescence, inflammaging, adverse drug effects, low tolerance to anti-TB drugs, lack of suitable diagnoses/interventions, and age-associated comorbidities. In order to find new therapeutic strategies to maintain lung homeostasis and resistance to respiratory infections as we age, it is necessary to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind natural lung aging. This review focuses primarily on why the elderly are more susceptible to TB disease and death, with a focus on pulmonary function and comorbidities.