Keratinocytes express many pattern recognition receptors that enhance the skin's adaptive immune response to epicutaneous antigens. We have shown that these pattern recognition receptors are expressed below tight junctions (TJ), strongly implicating TJ disruption as a critical step in antigen responsiveness. To disrupt TJs, we designed peptides inspired by the first extracellular loop of the TJ transmembrane protein CLDN1. These peptides transiently disrupted TJs in the human lung epithelial cell line 16HBE and delayed TJ formation in primary human keratinocytes. Building on these observations, we tested whether vaccinating mice with an epicutaneous influenza patch containing TJ-disrupting peptides was an effective strategy to elicit an immunogenic response. Application of a TJ-disrupting peptide patch resulted in barrier disruption as measured by increased transepithelial water loss. We observed a significant increase in antigen-specific antibodies when we applied patches with TJ-disrupting peptide plus antigen (influenza hemagglutinin) in either a patch-prime or a patch-boost model. Collectively, these observations demonstrate that our designed peptides perturb TJs in human lung as well as human and murine skin epithelium, enabling epicutaneous vaccine delivery. We anticipate that this approach could obviate currently used needle-based vaccination methods that require administration by health care workers and biohazard waste removal.
Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) of the Birnaviridae family leads to immunosuppression of young chickens by destroying B cells in the bursa of Fabricius (BFs). Given the increasing number of variant IBDV strains, we urgently require a method to produce attenuated virus for vaccine development. To accomplish this goal, the dual-promoter plasmids in which the RNA polymerase II and RNA polymerase I (Pol I) promoters were placed upstream of the IBDV genomic sequence, which was followed by mouse Pol I terminator and a synthetic polyadenylation signal, were developed for rapid generation of IBDV. This approach did not require trans-supplementation of plasmids for the expression of VP1 and VP3, the main components of IBDV ribonucleoprotein (RNP). Based on the finding in this study that the IBDV RNP activity was partially retained by VP1-FLAG, we successfully rescued the replication-competent IBDV/1FLAG expressing VP1-FLAG. Compared with its parental counterpart, IBDV/1FLAG formed smaller size plaques in cultured cells and induced the same 100% immune protection in vivo However, neither retarded development nor severe BFs lesion was observed in the IBDV/1FLAG-inoculated chickens. Collectively, this is the first report that viral RNP activity was affected by the addition of an epitope tag on the componential viral proteins. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the rapid generation of attenuated IBDV from dual-promoter plasmids via reducing viral RNP activity by a fused FLAG tag on the C terminus of VP1. This would be a convenient strategy to attenuate epidemic variant IBDV strains for rapid and efficient vaccine development.IMPORTANCE Immunosuppression in chickens as a result of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) infection leads to significant economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide every year. Currently, vaccination is still the best way to prevent the prevalence of IBDV. However, with the occurrence of increasing numbers of variant IBDV strains, it is challenging to develop antigen-matched live attenuated vaccine. Here, we first developed a dual-promoter reverse-genetic system for the rapid generation of IBDV. Using this system, the attenuated IBDV/1FLAG expressing VP1-FLAG, which displays the decreased viral RNP activity, was rescued. Moreover, IBDV/1FLAG inoculation induced a similar level of neutralizing antibodies to that of its parental counterpart, protecting chickens against lethal challenge. Our study, for the first time, describes a dual-promoter reverse-genetic approach for the rapid generation of attenuated IBDV while maintaining entire parental antigenicity, suggesting a potential new method to attenuate epidemic variant IBDV strains for vaccine development.
Satellite viruses, most commonly found in plants, rely on helper viruses to complete their replication cycle. The only known example of a human satellite virus is the hepatitis D virus (HDV), and it is generally thought to require hepatitis B virus (HBV) to form infectious particles. Until 2018, HDV was the sole representative of the genus Deltavirus and was thought to have evolved in humans, the only known HDV host. The subsequent identification of HDV-like agents in birds, snakes, fish, amphibians, and invertebrates indicated that the evolutionary history of deltaviruses is likely much longer than previously hypothesized. Interestingly, none of the HDV-like agents were found in coinfection with an HBV-like agent, suggesting that these viruses use different helper virus(es). Here we show, using snake deltavirus (SDeV), that HBV and hepadnaviruses represent only one example of helper viruses for deltaviruses. We cloned the SDeV genome into a mammalian expression plasmid, and by transfection could initiate SDeV replication in cultured snake and mammalian cell lines. By superinfecting persistently SDeV-infected cells with reptarenaviruses and hartmaniviruses, or by transfecting their surface proteins, we could induce production of infectious SDeV particles. Our findings indicate that deltaviruses can likely use a multitude of helper viruses or even viral glycoproteins to form infectious particles. This suggests that persistent infections, such as those caused by arenaviruses and orthohantaviruses used in this study, and recurrent infections would be beneficial for the spread of deltaviruses. It seems plausible that further human or animal disease associations with deltavirus infections will be identified in the future.IMPORTANCE Deltaviruses need a coinfecting enveloped virus to produce infectious particles necessary for transmission to a new host. Hepatitis D virus (HDV), the only known deltavirus until 2018, has been found only in humans, and its coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is linked with fulminant hepatitis. The recent discovery of deltaviruses without a coinfecting HBV-like agent in several different taxa suggested that deltaviruses could employ coinfection by other enveloped viruses to complete their life cycle. In this report, we show that snake deltavirus (SDeV) efficiently utilizes coinfecting reptarena- and hartmaniviruses to form infectious particles. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cells expressing the envelope proteins of arenaviruses and orthohantaviruses produce infectious SDeV particles. As the envelope proteins are responsible for binding and infecting new host cells, our findings indicate that deltaviruses are likely not restricted in their tissue tropism, implying that they could be linked to animal or human diseases other than hepatitis.
Reptarenaviruses cause Boid Inclusion Body Disease (BIBD), and co-infections by several reptarenaviruses are common in affected snakes. Reptarenaviruses have only been found in captive snakes, and their reservoir hosts remain unknown. In affected animals, reptarenaviruses appear to replicate in most cell types, but their complete host range, as well as tissue and cell tropism are unknown. As with other enveloped viruses, the glycoproteins (GPs) present on the virion's surface mediate reptarenavirus cell entry, and therefore, the GPs play a critical role in the virus cell and tissue tropism. Herein, we employed single cycle replication, GP deficient, recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (scrVSV∆G-eGFP) pseudotyped with different reptarenavirus GPs to study the virus cell tropism. We found that scrVSV∆G-eGFPs pseudotyped with reptarenavirus GPs readily entered mammalian cell lines, and some mammalian cell lines exhibited higher, compared to snake cell lines, susceptibility to reptarenavirus GP-mediated infection. Mammarenavirus GPs used as controls also mediated efficient entry into several snake cell lines. Our results confirm an important role of the virus surface GP in reptarenavirus cell tropism and that mamma-and reptarenaviruses exhibit high cross-species transmission potential.
The continual emergence of novel influenza A strains from non-human hosts requires constant vigilance and the need for ongoing research to identify strains that may pose a human public health risk. Since 1999, canine H3 influenza A viruses (CIVs) have caused many thousands or millions of respiratory infections in dogs in the United States. While no human infections with CIVs have been reported to date, these viruses could pose a zoonotic risk. In these studies, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS) network collaboratively demonstrated that CIVs replicated in some primary human cells and transmitted effectively in mammalian models. While people born after 1970 had little or no pre-existing humoral immunity against CIVs, the viruses were sensitive to existing antivirals and we identified a panel of H3 cross-reactive human monoclonal antibodies (hmAbs) that could have prophylactic and/or therapeutic value. Our data predict these CIVs posed a low risk to humans. Importantly, we showed that the CEIRS network could work together to provide basic research information important for characterizing emerging influenza viruses, although there were valuable lessons learned.
The emergence of novel SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in 2019 has triggered an ongoing global pandemic of severe pneumonia-like disease designated as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To date, more than 2.1 million confirmed cases and 139,500 deaths have been reported worldwide, and there are currently no medical countermeasures available to prevent or treat the disease. As the development of a vaccine could require at least 12-18 months, and the typical timeline from hit finding to drug registration of an antiviral is >10 years, repositioning of known drugs can significantly accelerate the development and deployment of therapies for COVID-19. To identify therapeutics that can be repurposed as SARS-CoV-2 antivirals, we profiled a library of known drugs encompassing approximately 12,000 clinical-stage or FDA-approved small molecules. Here, we report the identification of 30 known drugs that inhibit viral replication. Of these, six were characterized for cellular dose-activity relationships, and showed effective concentrations likely to be commensurate with therapeutic doses in patients. These include the PIKfyve kinase inhibitor Apilimod, cysteine protease inhibitors MDL-28170, Z LVG CHN2, VBY-825, and ONO 5334, and the CCR1 antagonist MLN-3897. Since many of these molecules have advanced into the clinic, the known pharmacological and human safety profiles of these compounds will accelerate their preclinical and clinical evaluation for COVID-19 treatment.
The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronoavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of COVID-19 illness, has caused over 2 million infections worldwide in four months. In SARS coronaviruses, the non-structural protein 16 (nsp16) methylates the 5'-end of virally encoded mRNAs to mimic cellular mRNAs, thus protecting the virus from host innate immune restriction. We report here the high-resolution structure of a ternary complex of full-length nsp16 and nsp10 of SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of cognate RNA substrate and a methyl donor, S-adenosyl methionine. The nsp16/nsp10 heterodimer was captured in the act of 2'-O methylation of the ribose sugar of the first nucleotide of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA. We reveal large conformational changes associated with substrate binding as the enzyme transitions from a binary to a ternary state. This structure provides new mechanistic insights into the 2'-O methylation of the viral mRNA cap. We also discovered a distantly located ligand-binding site unique to SARS-CoV-2 that may serve as an alternative target site for antiviral development.
Influenza A viruses (IAVs) represent a serious concern globally because they are capable of rapid spread and cause severe disease in humans and other animals. The development and implementation of plasmid-based reverse genetics approaches have allowed the manipulation and recovery of recombinant IAVs from complementary DNA copies of the viral genome. Furthermore, IAV reverse genetics have provided researchers an efficient and powerful platform to introduce specific changes in the viral genome with the final goal of studying IAV biology, designing more effective vaccine strategies, and to reduce the rates of incidence and mortality associated with viral infections. In this review, we briefly discuss IAV reverse genetics and their applications to prevent IAV infections.
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in late 2019. Since then, the virus has spread globally and caused a pandemic. Assays that can measure the antiviral activity of antibodies or antiviral compounds are needed for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and drug development. Here, we describe in detail a microneutralization assay, which can be used to assess in a quantitative manner if antibodies or drugs can block entry and/or replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Microneutralization assay to test inhibition of virus by antibodies (purified antibodies or serum/plasma) Basic Protocol 2: Screening of anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds in vitro Support Protocol: SARS-CoV-2 propagation.
The New World mammarenavirus Tacaribe virus (TCRV) has been isolated from fruit bats, mosquitoes, and ticks, whereas all other known New World mammarenaviruses are maintained in rodents. TCRV has not been linked to human disease, but it has been shown to protect against Argentine hemorrhagic fever-like disease in marmosets infected with the New World mammarenavirus Junín virus (JUNV), indicating the potential of TCRV as a live-attenuated vaccine for the treatment of Argentine hemorrhagic fever. Implementation of TCRV as a live-attenuated vaccine or a vaccine vector would be facilitated by the establishment of reverse genetics systems for the genetic manipulation of the TCRV genome. In this study, we developed, for the first time, reverse genetics approaches for the generation of recombinant TCRV (rTCRV). We successfully rescued a wild-type (WT) rTCRV (a trisegmented form of TCRV expressing two reporter genes [r3TCRV]) and a bisegmented TCRV expressing a single reporter gene from a bicistronic viral mRNA (rTCRV/GFP). These reverse genetics approaches represent an excellent tool to investigate the biology of TCRV and to explore its potential use as a live-attenuated vaccine or a vaccine vector for the treatment of other viral infections. Notably, we identified a 39-nucleotide (nt) deletion (Δ39) in the noncoding intergenic region (IGR) of the viral large (L) segment that is required for optimal virus multiplication. Accordingly, an rTCRV containing this 39-nt deletion in the L-IGR (rTCRV/Δ39) exhibited decreased viral fitness in cultured cells, suggesting the feasibility of using this deletion in the L-IGR as an approach to attenuate TCRV, and potentially other mammarenaviruses, for their implementation as live-attenuated vaccines or vaccine vectors.IMPORTANCE To date, no Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved vaccines are available to combat hemorrhagic fever caused by mammarenavirus infections in humans. Treatment of mammarenavirus infections is limited to the off-label use of ribavirin, which is partially effective and associated with significant side effects. Tacaribe virus (TCRV), the prototype member of the New World mammarenaviruses, is nonpathogenic in humans but able to provide protection against Junín virus (JUNV), the causative agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever, demonstrating the feasibility of using TCRV as a live-attenuated vaccine vector for the treatment of JUNV and potentially other viral infections. Here, we describe for the first time the feasibility of generating recombinant TCRV (rTCRV) using reverse genetics approaches, which paves the way to study the biology of TCRV and also its potential use as a live-attenuated vaccine or a vaccine vector for the treatment of mammarenavirus and/or other viral infections in humans.