

Nogales, Aitor, Marta L DeDiego, David J Topham, and Luis Martinez-Sobrido. (2016) 2016. “Rearrangement of Influenza Virus Spliced Segments for the Development of Live-Attenuated Vaccines.”. Journal of Virology 90 (14): 6291-6302.

UNLABELLED: Influenza viral infections represent a serious public health problem, with influenza virus causing a contagious respiratory disease which is most effectively prevented through vaccination. Segments 7 (M) and 8 (NS) of the influenza virus genome encode mRNA transcripts that are alternatively spliced to express two different viral proteins. This study describes the generation, using reverse genetics, of three different recombinant influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 (PR8) H1N1 viruses containing M or NS viral segments individually or modified M or NS viral segments combined in which the overlapping open reading frames of matrix 1 (M1)/M2 for the modified M segment and the open reading frames of nonstructural protein 1 (NS1)/nuclear export protein (NEP) for the modified NS segment were split by using the porcine teschovirus 1 (PTV-1) 2A autoproteolytic cleavage site. Viruses with an M split segment were impaired in replication at nonpermissive high temperatures, whereas high viral titers could be obtained at permissive low temperatures (33°C). Furthermore, viruses containing the M split segment were highly attenuated in vivo, while they retained their immunogenicity and provided protection against a lethal challenge with wild-type PR8. These results indicate that influenza viruses can be effectively attenuated by the rearrangement of spliced segments and that such attenuated viruses represent an excellent option as safe, immunogenic, and protective live-attenuated vaccines. Moreover, this is the first time in which an influenza virus containing a restructured M segment has been described. Reorganization of the M segment to encode M1 and M2 from two separate, nonoverlapping, independent open reading frames represents a useful tool to independently study mutations in the M1 and M2 viral proteins without affecting the other viral M product.

IMPORTANCE: Vaccination represents our best therapeutic option against influenza viral infections. However, the efficacy of current influenza vaccines is suboptimal, and novel approaches are necessary for the prevention of disease caused by this important human respiratory pathogen. In this work, we describe a novel approach to generate safer and more efficient live-attenuated influenza virus vaccines (LAIVs) based on recombinant viruses whose genomes encode nonoverlapping and independent M1/M2 (split M segment [Ms]) or both M1/M2 and NS1/NEP (Ms and split NS segment [NSs]) open reading frames. Viruses containing a modified M segment were highly attenuated in mice but were able to confer, upon a single intranasal immunization, complete protection against a lethal homologous challenge with wild-type virus. Notably, the protection efficacy conferred by our viruses with split M segments was better than that conferred by the current temperature-sensitive LAIV. Altogether, these results open a new avenue for the development of safer and more protective LAIVs on the basis of the reorganization of spliced viral RNA segments in the genome.

Robinson, James E, Kathryn M Hastie, Robert W Cross, Rachael E Yenni, Deborah H Elliott, Julie A Rouelle, Chandrika B Kannadka, et al. (2016) 2016. “Most Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibodies Target Novel Epitopes Requiring Both Lassa Virus Glycoprotein Subunits.”. Nature Communications 7: 11544.

Lassa fever is a severe multisystem disease that often has haemorrhagic manifestations. The epitopes of the Lassa virus (LASV) surface glycoproteins recognized by naturally infected human hosts have not been identified or characterized. Here we have cloned 113 human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for LASV glycoproteins from memory B cells of Lassa fever survivors from West Africa. One-half bind the GP2 fusion subunit, one-fourth recognize the GP1 receptor-binding subunit and the remaining fourth are specific for the assembled glycoprotein complex, requiring both GP1 and GP2 subunits for recognition. Notably, of the 16 mAbs that neutralize LASV, 13 require the assembled glycoprotein complex for binding, while the remaining 3 require GP1 only. Compared with non-neutralizing mAbs, neutralizing mAbs have higher binding affinities and greater divergence from germline progenitors. Some mAbs potently neutralize all four LASV lineages. These insights from LASV human mAb characterization will guide strategies for immunotherapeutic development and vaccine design.

Breen, Michael, Aitor Nogales, Steven F Baker, and Luis Martinez-Sobrido. (2016) 2016. “Replication-Competent Influenza A Viruses Expressing Reporter Genes.”. Viruses 8 (7).

Influenza A viruses (IAV) cause annual seasonal human respiratory disease epidemics. In addition, IAV have been implicated in occasional pandemics with inordinate health and economic consequences. Studying IAV, in vitro or in vivo, requires the use of laborious secondary methodologies to identify virus-infected cells. To circumvent this requirement, replication-competent IAV expressing an easily traceable reporter protein can be used. Here we discuss the development and applications of recombinant replication-competent IAV harboring diverse fluorescent or bioluminescent reporter genes in different locations of the viral genome. These viruses have been employed for in vitro and in vivo studies, such as the screening of neutralizing antibodies or antiviral compounds, the identification of host factors involved in viral replication, cell tropism, the development of vaccines, or the assessment of viral infection dynamics. In summary, reporter-expressing, replicating-competent IAV represent a powerful tool for the study of IAV both in vitro and in vivo.

DeDiego, Marta L, Aitor Nogales, Kris Lambert-Emo, Luis Martinez-Sobrido, and David J Topham. (2016) 2016. “NS1 Protein Mutation I64T Affects Interferon Responses and Virulence of Circulating H3N2 Human Influenza A Viruses.”. Journal of Virology 90 (21): 9693-9711.

UNLABELLED: Influenza NS1 protein is the main viral protein counteracting host innate immune responses, allowing the virus to efficiently replicate in interferon (IFN)-competent systems. In this study, we analyzed NS1 protein variability within influenza A (IAV) H3N2 viruses infecting humans during the 2012-2013 season. We also evaluated the impact of the mutations on the ability of NS1 proteins to inhibit host innate immune responses and general gene expression. Surprisingly, a previously unidentified mutation in the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding domain (I64T) decreased NS1-mediated general inhibition of host protein synthesis by decreasing its interaction with cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 30 (CPSF30), leading to increased innate immune responses after viral infection. Notably, a recombinant A/Puerto Rico/8/34 H1N1 virus encoding the H3N2 NS1-T64 protein was highly attenuated in mice, most likely because of its ability to induce higher antiviral IFN responses at early times after infection and because this virus is highly sensitive to the IFN-induced antiviral state. Interestingly, using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) collected at the acute visit (2 to 3 days after infection), we show that the subject infected with the NS1-T64 attenuated virus has diminished responses to interferon and to interferon induction, suggesting why this subject could be infected with this highly IFN-sensitive virus. These data demonstrate the importance of influenza virus surveillance in identifying new mutations in the NS1 protein, affecting its ability to inhibit innate immune responses and, as a consequence, the pathogenicity of the virus.

IMPORTANCE: Influenza A and B viruses are one of the most common causes of respiratory infections in humans, causing 1 billion infections and between 300,000 and 500,000 deaths annually. Influenza virus surveillance to identify new mutations in the NS1 protein affecting innate immune responses and, as a consequence, the pathogenicity of the circulating viruses is highly relevant. Here, we analyzed amino acid variability in the NS1 proteins from human seasonal viruses and the effect of the mutations in innate immune responses and virus pathogenesis. A previously unidentified mutation in the dsRNA-binding domain decreased NS1-mediated general inhibition of host protein synthesis and the interaction of the protein with CPSF30. This mutation led to increased innate immune responses after viral infection, augmented IFN sensitivity, and virus attenuation in mice. Interestingly, using PBMCs, the subject infected with the virus encoding the attenuating mutation induced decreased antiviral responses, suggesting why this subject could be infected with this virus.

Yang, Hongmei, Steven F Baker, Mario E González, David J Topham, Luis Martinez-Sobrido, Martin Zand, Jeanne Holden-Wiltse, and Hulin Wu. (2016) 2016. “An Improved Method for Estimating Antibody Titers in Microneutralization Assay Using Green Fluorescent Protein.”. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 26 (3): 409-20.

Viruses that express reporter genes upon infection have been recently used to evaluate neutralizing antibody responses, where a lack of reporter expression indicates specific virus inhibition. The traditional model-based methods using standard outcome of percent neutralization could be applied to the data from the assays to estimate antibody titers. However, the data produced are sometimes irregular, which can yield meaningless outcomes of percent neutralization that do not fit the typical curves for immunoassays, making automated or semi-high throughput antibody titer estimation unreliable. We developed a type of new outcomes model, which is biologically meaningful and fits typical immunoassay curves well. Our simulation study indicates that the new response approach outperforms the traditional response approach regardless of the data variability. The proposed new response approach can be used in similar assays for other disease models.

Martinez-Sobrido, Luis, and Juan Carlos de la Torre. (2016) 2016. “Novel Strategies for Development of Hemorrhagic Fever Arenavirus Live-Attenuated Vaccines.”. Expert Review of Vaccines 15 (9): 1113-21.

INTRODUCTION: Several arenaviruses, chiefly Lassa virus (LASV), cause hemorrhagic fever (HF) disease in humans and pose significant public health problems in their endemic regions. Moreover, HF arenaviruses represent credible biodefense threats. There are not FDA-approved arenavirus vaccines and current anti-arenaviral therapy is limited to an off-label use of ribavirin that is only partially effective.

AREAS COVERED: Live-attenuated vaccines (LAV) represent the most feasible approach to control HF arenaviruses within their endemic regions. Different platforms, including recombinant viral vectors expressing LASV antigens, and the use of attenuated reassortant arenaviruses, have been used to develop LAV candidates against LASV with promising results in animal models of LASV infection, but none of them has entered a clinical trial. These vaccine efforts have been the subject of recent reviews and will not be examined in this review, which is focused on new avenues for the development of safe and effective LAV to combat HF arenaviruses. Expert commentary: The development of arenavirus reverse genetics has provided investigators with a novel powerful approach to manipulate the genomes of HF arenaviruses, which has opened new avenues for the rapid development of safe and effective LAV to combat these human pathogens.

Martinez-Sobrido, Luis, Benson Yee Hin Cheng, and Juan Carlos de la Torre. (2016) 2016. “Reverse Genetics Approaches to Control Arenavirus.”. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1403: 313-51.

Several arenavirus cause hemorrhagic fever disease in humans and pose a significant public health problem in their endemic regions. To date, no licensed vaccines are available to combat human arenavirus infections, and anti-arenaviral drug therapy is limited to an off-label use of ribavirin that is only partially effective. The development of arenavirus reverse genetics approaches provides investigators with a novel and powerful approach for the investigation of the arenavirus molecular and cell biology. The use of cell-based minigenome systems has allowed examining the cis- and trans-acting factors involved in arenavirus replication and transcription and the identification of novel anti-arenaviral drug targets without requiring the use of live forms of arenaviruses. Likewise, it is now feasible to rescue infectious arenaviruses entirely from cloned cDNAs containing predetermined mutations in their genomes to investigate virus-host interactions and mechanisms of pathogenesis, as well as to facilitate screens to identify anti-arenaviral drugs and development of novel live-attenuated arenavirus vaccines. Recently, reverse genetics have also allowed the generation of tri-segmented arenaviruses expressing foreign genes, facilitating virus detection and opening the possibility of implementing live-attenuated arenavirus-based vaccine vector approaches. Likewise, the development of single-cycle infectious, reporter-expressing, arenaviruses has provided a new experimental method to study some aspects of the biology of highly pathogenic arenaviruses without the requirement of high-security biocontainment required to study HF-causing arenaviruses. In this chapter we summarize the current knowledge on arenavirus reverse genetics and the implementation of plasmid-based reverse genetics techniques for the development of arenavirus vaccines and vaccine vectors.

Breen, Michael, Aitor Nogales, Steven F Baker, Daniel R Perez, and Luis Martinez-Sobrido. (2016) 2016. “Replication-Competent Influenza A and B Viruses Expressing a Fluorescent Dynamic Timer Protein for In Vitro and In Vivo Studies.”. PloS One 11 (1): e0147723.

Influenza A and B viruses (IAV and IBV, respectively) cause annual seasonal human respiratory disease epidemics. In addition, IAVs have been implicated in occasional pandemics with inordinate health and economic consequences. Studying influenza viruses in vitro or in vivo requires the use of laborious secondary methodologies to identify infected cells. To circumvent this requirement, replication-competent infectious influenza viruses expressing an easily traceable fluorescent reporter protein can be used. Timer is a fluorescent protein that undergoes a time-dependent color emission conversion from green to red. The rate of spectral change is independent of Timer protein concentration and can be used to chronologically measure the duration of its expression. Here, we describe the generation of replication-competent IAV and IBV where the viral non-structural protein 1 (NS1) was fused to the fluorescent dynamic Timer protein. Timer-expressing IAV and IBV displayed similar plaque phenotypes and growth kinetics to wild-type viruses in tissue culture. Within infected cells, Timer's spectral shift can be used to measure the rate and cell-to-cell spread of infection using fluorescent microscopy, plate readers, or flow cytometry. The progression of Timer-expressing IAV infection was also evaluated in a mouse model, demonstrating the feasibility to characterize IAV cell-to-cell infections in vivo. By providing the ability to chronologically track viral spread, Timer-expressing influenza viruses are an excellent option to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo dynamics of viral infection.

Nogales, Aitor, Irene Rodríguez-Sánchez, Kristen Monte, Deborah J Lenschow, Daniel R Perez, and Luis Martinez-Sobrido. (2016) 2016. “Replication-Competent Fluorescent-Expressing Influenza B Virus.”. Virus Research 213: 69-81.

Influenza B viruses (IBVs) cause annual outbreaks of respiratory illness in humans and are increasingly recognized as a major cause of influenza-associated morbidity and mortality. Studying influenza viruses requires the use of secondary methodologies to identify virus-infected cells. To this end, replication-competent influenza A viruses (IAVs) expressing easily traceable fluorescent proteins have been recently developed. In contrast, similar approaches for IBV are mostly lacking. In this report, we describe the generation and characterization of replication-competent influenza B/Brisbane/60/2008 viruses expressing fluorescent mCherry or GFP fused to the C-terminal of the viral non-structural 1 (NS1) protein. Fluorescent-expressing IBVs display similar growth kinetics and plaque phenotype to wild-type IBV, while fluorescent protein expression allows for the easy identification of virus-infected cells. Without the need of secondary approaches to monitor viral infection, fluorescent-expressing IBVs represent an ideal approach to study the biology of IBV and an excellent platform for the rapid identification and characterization of antiviral therapeutics or neutralizing antibodies using high-throughput screening approaches. Lastly, fluorescent-expressing IBVs can be combined with the recently described reporter-expressing IAVs for the identification of novel therapeutics to combat these two important human respiratory pathogens.

Jiang, Tian, Aitor Nogales, Steven F Baker, Luis Martinez-Sobrido, and Douglas H Turner. (2016) 2016. “Mutations Designed by Ensemble Defect to Misfold Conserved RNA Structures of Influenza A Segments 7 and 8 Affect Splicing and Attenuate Viral Replication in Cell Culture.”. PloS One 11 (6): e0156906.

Influenza A virus is a significant public health threat, but little is understood about the viral RNA structure and function. Current vaccines and therapeutic options to control influenza A virus infections are mostly protein-centric and of limited effectiveness. Here, we report using an ensemble defect approach to design mutations to misfold regions of conserved mRNA structures in influenza A virus segments 7 and 8. Influenza A mutant viruses inhibit pre-mRNA splicing and attenuate viral replication in cell culture, thus providing evidence for functions of the targeted regions. Targeting these influenza A viral RNA regions provides new possibilities for designing vaccines and therapeutics against this important human respiratory pathogen. The results also demonstrate that the ensemble defect approach is an efficient way to test for function of RNA sequences.