Aging and susceptibility to Infectious Diseases

Life longevity has significantly increased during the last century, and with people living longer worldwide, we are facing new health challenges. Aging is accompanied by a state of cellular compromise and immune dysfunction, and as we age, we have an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, and especially, to respiratory diseases. Our laboratory is studying the impact of the lung environment focusing on the role of the alveolar mucosa (also known as alveolar lining fluid, ALF) in driving susceptibility to respiratory infections, in the context of aging. We have demonstrated that the cellular changes that occur in the lung as we age contribute to the dysfunction of critical innate soluble components in ALF, and that this dysfunction has several implications to the infectious disease susceptibility of the lung. We study the lung proteome to correct the ALF deficiencies in aging, and investigate treatment strategies to tackle cellular aging at the systemic level. We also study the use and repurposing of commercially available biologicals to combat immune dysfunction in the lung, and study those treatments in the context of Tuberculosis, COVID-19 and other deadly diseases.

Research Image

Our lab is working towards depicting mechanisms of susceptibility to respiratory infection during the aging process. Recently, we are focusing on the oxidative state of the lung as we age, where we are able to link accumulation of oxidative stressors in the lung with ALF components dysfunction. This oxidative stress links further to mitochondrial dysfunction in the elderly population. Working with our collaborators, we are looking current strategies to revert the mitochondria induced oxidative stress accumulated in the lung during the process of aging.

Representative Papers

  • Torrelles, Jordi B, Blanca I Restrepo, Yidong Bai, Corinna Ross, Larry S Schlesinger, and Joanne Turner. (2022) 2022. “The Impact of Aging on the Lung Alveolar Environment, Predetermining Susceptibility to Respiratory Infections”. Frontiers in Aging 3: 818700.

    Respiratory infections are one of the top causes of death in the elderly population, displaying susceptibility factors with increasing age that are potentially amenable to interventions. We posit that with increasing age there are predictable tissue-specific changes that prevent the immune system from working effectively in the lung. This mini-review highlights recent evidence for altered local tissue environment factors as we age focusing on increased tissue oxidative stress with associated immune cell changes, likely driven by the byproducts of age-associated inflammatory disease. Potential intervention points are presented.

  • Garcia-Vilanova, Andreu, Angélica M Olmo-Fontánez, Juan I Moliva, Anna Allué-Guardia, Harjinder Singh, Robert E Merritt, Diego J Maselli, et al. (2022) 2022. “The Aging Human Lung Mucosa: A Proteomics Study”. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 77 (10): 1969-74.

    The older adult population, estimated to double by 2050, is at increased risk of respiratory infections and other pulmonary diseases. Biochemical changes in the lung alveolar lining fluid (ALF) and in alveolar compartment cells can alter local immune responses as we age, generating opportunities for invading pathogens to establish successful infections. Indeed, the lung alveolar space of older adults is a pro-inflammatory, pro-oxidative, dysregulated environment that remains understudied. We performed an exploratory, quantitative proteomic profiling of the soluble proteins present in ALF, developing insight into molecular fingerprints, pathways, and regulatory networks that characterize the alveolar space in old age, comparing it to that of younger individuals. We identified 457 proteins that were significantly differentially expressed in older adult ALF, including increased production of matrix metalloproteinases, markers of cellular senescence, antimicrobials, and proteins of neutrophilic granule origin, among others, suggesting that neutrophils in the lungs of older adults could be potential contributors to the dysregulated alveolar environment with increasing age. Finally, we describe a hypothetical regulatory network mediated by the serum response factor that could explain the neutrophilic profile observed in the older adult population.

  • Moliva, Juan I, Michael A Duncan, Angélica Olmo-Fontánez, Anwari Akhter, Eusondia Arnett, Julia M Scordo, Russell Ault, et al. (2019) 2019. “The Lung Mucosa Environment in the Elderly Increases Host Susceptibility to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection”. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 220 (3): 514-23.

    As we age, there is an increased risk for the development of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. Few studies consider that age-associated changes in the alveolar lining fluid (ALF) may increase susceptibility by altering soluble mediators of innate immunity. We assessed the impact of adult or elderly human ALF during Mtb infection in vitro and in vivo. We identified amplification of pro-oxidative and proinflammatory pathways in elderly ALF and decreased binding capability of surfactant-associated surfactant protein A (SP-A) and surfactant protein D (SP-D) to Mtb. Human macrophages infected with elderly ALF-exposed Mtb had reduced control and fewer phagosome-lysosome fusion events, which was reversed when elderly ALF was replenished with functional SP-A/SP-D. In vivo, exposure to elderly ALF exacerbated Mtb infection in young mice. Our studies demonstrate how the pulmonary environment changes as we age and suggest that Mtb may benefit from declining host defenses in the lung mucosa of the elderly.

  • Allué-Guardia, Anna, Andreu Garcia-Vilanova, Angélica M Olmo-Fontánez, Jay Peters, Diego J Maselli, Yufeng Wang, Joanne Turner, Larry S Schlesinger, and Jordi B Torrelles. (2022) 2022. “Host- and Age-Dependent Transcriptional Changes in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Cell Envelope Biosynthesis Genes After Exposure to Human Alveolar Lining Fluid”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (2).

    Tuberculosis (TB) infection, caused by the airborne pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), resulted in almost 1.4 million deaths in 2019, and the number of deaths is predicted to increase by 20% over the next 5 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon reaching the alveolar space, M.tb comes into close contact with the lung mucosa before and after its encounter with host alveolar compartment cells. Our previous studies show that homeostatic, innate soluble components of the alveolar lining fluid (ALF) can quickly alter the cell envelope surface of M.tb upon contact, defining subsequent M.tb-host cell interactions and infection outcomes in vitro and in vivo. We also demonstrated that ALF from 60+ year old elders (E-ALF) vs. healthy 18- to 45-year-old adults (A-ALF) is dysfunctional, with loss of homeostatic capacity and impaired innate soluble responses linked to high local oxidative stress. In this study, a targeted transcriptional assay shows that M.tb exposure to human ALF alters the expression of its cell envelope genes. Specifically, our results indicate that A-ALF-exposed M.tb upregulates cell envelope genes associated with lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid metabolism, as well as genes associated with redox homeostasis and transcriptional regulators. Conversely, M.tb exposure to E-ALF shows a lesser transcriptional response, with most of the M.tb genes unchanged or downregulated. Overall, this study indicates that M.tb responds and adapts to the lung alveolar environment upon contact, and that the host ALF status, determined by factors such as age, might play an important role in determining infection outcome.