Ferguson, Scott, Jennifer L Martin, Abul K Azad, Travis R McCarthy, Peter B Kang, Dennis R Voelker, Erika C Crouch, and Larry S Schlesinger. 2006. “Surfactant Protein D Increases Fusion of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis-Containing Phagosomes With Lysosomes in Human Macrophages.”. Infection and Immunity 74 (12): 7005-9.
Lung surfactant protein D (SP-D) binds to Mycobacterium tuberculosis surface lipoarabinomannan and results in bacterial agglutination, reduced uptake, and inhibition of growth in human macrophages. Here we show that SP-D limits the intracellular growth of bacilli in macrophages by increasing phagosome-lysosome fusion but not by generating a respiratory burst.