Projects In Development

Deletions of Histidine Rich proteins and diagnostic evasion in malaria parasites.

Histidine rich proteins are produced in large amounts by P. falciparum. These proteins form the basis of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria, but some parasites carry deletions.

Genomic epidemiology during malaria elimination in Myanmar

Collaboration with François Nosten and Shoklo Malaria Research Unit and Daniel Parker. We are currently using genomic data from parasites to better understand malaria transmission during intensive malaria control efforts.

Nanopore long read sequencing to maximize the utility of malaria genetic crosses

We are using Nanopore long-read sequencing to provide parent specific references for genetic crosses using both malaria parasites and schistosomes. We anticipate that this will improve our ability to score segregating variants across complex regions of the genome that are inaccessible using short read illumine reads alone.