The Anderson Lab is excited to welcome a new team member! Dr. Francis Nkemngo, a Postdoctoral Scientist, is now working on the lab's malaria projects, particularly on the newly awarded PO1 grant: "Pea...
Congratulations to Dr. Neal Platt, former lab member Dr. Elisha Enabulele, and Dr. Tim Anderson for showcasing their research on using museum specimens to track pathogens with capture arrays. They are...
The Anderson Lab is excited to welcome a new team member! Dr. Michael Nipper, a Postdoctoral Scientist, is now working on the PO1 Malaria project in both the Anderson Lab and the Cheeseman Lab.
Congratulations to Dr. Xue Li for being invited to the University of Notre Dame to present a seminar highlighting the efficiency of bulk-segregant approaches for analyzing genetic crosses and mapping...
We are excited to announce that Dr. Kathrin Jutzeler has been promoted to Postdoctoral Scientist in the Anderson Lab! Congratulations on your new position, Kathrin!
The Anderson Lab is excited to welcome a new team member! Dr. Jenna Hulke, a Postdoctoral Scientist and recipient of the 2024 Cowles Fellowship, is now working on the Schistosoma haematobium / Schisto...